In part, this is about a union. This is not at all about a labor union as typically defined as representation of American workers. It is about another, invasive union of nations that would adversely affect the American way of life... and sovereignty. It is about the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul and his commitment to uphold and protect the integrity of The Constitution of the United States.
This is about the Governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States and their goals to become unionized. It does have to do with what some call underhanded and deceptive plans of the three nations to manipulate the economic stability in the North American hemisphere. Although the word “conspiracy” is often used, I look at the situation as “contrived”. In 2006, documents were obtainable under the Freedom of Information Act and acquired by WorldNet Daily journalist Jerome Conti.
There is the group called the Secretive Prosperity Partnership and a plan to create a Pan American Union. And there is the mention of a monetary currency called the “amero”, fairly consistent with the idea that created the “euro” with participating European countries.
(As I am typing in Microsoft Word, “amero” is underlined in red, drawing me to do a Spelling and Grammar check. It is, for now, not a recognized word. “Euro” is recognized. “Amero” may soon become an accepted word in every form of literature. Given the opportunity and out of defiance, I will decline the opportunity to update my computer software.)
The idea of the “amero” was introduced in 1999, the same year the euro became the new European currency, in a paper written by Canadian economist Herbert G. Grubel, The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union published by the Fraser Institute.
The 50-page document acknowledges that a North American Union would “improve the size and the economics of Canada and Mexico; American investment will grow correspondingly”.
It could save up to $3 billion in currency exchange rates alone and increase Canada’s GDP up to 33% within two decades if the economic union were to be adopted.
One of the main concerns identified for Canada is that “for economic reasons, the validity of which is evident from the German experience [the reunification of communist East Germany], the Canadian dollar will have to be valued at a rate that does not affect Canada’s international competitiveness in the long run. Such an efficient rate of exchange by definition would leave unchanged exports, imports, interest rates, capital inflows and outflows, production, employment and unemployment”.
Dr. Grubel certainly makes a case of wanting a piece of the American pie with Canada serving itself before anyone else. In the context of his paper, this is strictly presented as framework to bring economic stability to Canada. He discusses a North American Central Bank where Canada and Mexico could argue their cases and have the opportunity to influence policies through “voting alliances with American representatives”. Lobbyists and Special Interest Groups will always have their influences, greatly so with the implementation of mega-economic financial institutions. He also mentions each nation having representation depending on the ratio of financial influence, although negotiations could give one or more nation (Mexico and/or Canada) additional representation.
The United States may find itself on the downside of the balance of economic prosperity; we give, they take. This would be leaner times for American citizens.
Comparing a possible North American Union (NAU) to the European Economic Union (EEU), GDP figures for the 3-country NAU would be $16 trillion (USA $13 trillion), compared to the 27-country EEU of $16.6 with corresponding populations of 442 (USA 301) and 495 million. I suppose economists supporting multi-national financial agreements find support in numbers that suggest the USA must partner with the other two countries to balance the influence of the EEU.
Through the course of events, another advocate of a North American Union is Robert Pastor, who was director of the Office of Latin American & Caribbean Affairs in the National Security Council under the Carter administration. Present Bill Clinton subsequently nominated Pastor in 1993 to be U.S. Ambassador to Panama but Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) led the opposition to his appointment because of his involvement of “giving away” the Panama Canal to Panama. There was no confirmation.
Dr. Pastor has held a close, longtime association with Jorge G. Castaneda who accompanied Mexico President Vincente Fox to the U.S. in 2001 when Fox claimed to be president to 100 million Mexicans at home and 23 million Mexicans in the United States. Castaneda also voiced the idea that Mexico intends to promote the legalization of all illegal immigrants in the U.S.
On October 10, 2007, on CNN’s Larry King Show, Vicente Fox responded to a viewers’ question, “I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency”, to which Fox replied, “Long term, very long term. What we proposed together, President Bush and myself, it’s ALCA, which is a trade union for all the Americas.”
Further, Fox openly confirmed the plan to create a regional currency, the “amero”. ALCA translates to Area de Livre das Americas, translated at “area of free trade in the Americas”. ALCA and NAFTA are one and the same. South American countries were originally targeted to be included but President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela negated such a union.
At a meeting in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005, the leaders of Mexico, Canada and the United States announced the implementation of a Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SAPP).
Viewing the website, the leaders agreed to focus on “five high priority initiatives”:
***The North American Competitive Council; to enhance North American competitiveness
Advancing Cooperation on Avian and Pandemic Influenza; to deal with avian outbreak and human influenza pandemic in North America.
***North American Energy Security Initiative; to develop a diverse energy resource base in North America by increasing research, development and commercialization of clean energy-related technologies.
***North American Emergency Management; to develop and implement coordination of response to cross border terrorist incidents and natural disasters.
***Smart, Secure Borders; to establish risk-based screening standards with advanced electronic cargo information to analyze risk and ensure quick and efficient processing at the border.
Although none of these objectives indicate anything other than cooperation among the three nations, these is an attitude of alarm that continues to put large government, large financial institutions, and even larger corporations in control of the financial, medical and employment of every American.
As believed by alarmists, indicators of this takeover of the American continent began with the formation of NAFTA, which came into effect January 1, 1994, and has become the largest trade bloc in the world today in terms of the three-nation GDP.
Further signs of regional integration of trade, business and jobs is the Tri-National Advocacy for Efficient, Secure and Environmentally Conscious Trade and Transportation, a nonprofit organization, which promotes the establishment of a “SuperCorridor”, also known as the “NAFTA Superhighway”. The group is better known as North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc., (NASCO). The SuperCorridor, financed and maintained by Spain, would be (will be?) four football fields wide, accomodating pipelines, power lines, railroad tracks in addition to the SuperHighway itself.
The website for North America’s SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc., takes special note that, rather than being a new roadway, it covers existing highways from Mexico through the United States branching in every direction of the country to the far reaches of Canada along the Trans-Canada Highway upward to Alaska along the west coast.
The logo on this site displays the Canadian maple leaf (red), the American flag (red, white and blue), and the Eagle and Snake of Mexico (black and green) in a circular format. On this site there is also a link to the North American Inland Ports Network (NAIPN), which was established as a sub-committee by members of NASCO in 2003.Their websites Inland ports are cities along the Superhighway. Mexico City, San Antonio, Kansas City, Winnipeg are primary hubs. NIAPN and each Inland Port will soon have their own “Internet Demonstration Pages”.
As you navigate these websites, the numbers of acronyms seem unending.
Canamex <> is another site displaying a route already established.
It also gives various statistics:
***$0.25/hour in India and China vs. $2.10/hour in Mexico vs. $17.20/hour in the United States for manufacturing jobs. I can only conclude this will account for fewer manufacturing jobs in the U.S. with free trade and jobs benefiting Mexican workers.
***103% increase in vehicle miles traveled since 1970 vs. 5% increase in new road miles since 1970. This strongly suggests that Americans will be footing the bill for massive road construction toward the Superhighway road network.
Perhaps the best website for information investigate is which displays a map identifying multiple networks of “corridors” designated as Pacific, West, East and Atlantic. Each has it own network of assigned routes of transport. Florida’s connection in the Atlantic Corridor runs from Key West to Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Other websites of interest for further information are,,, and where Jerome Corsi’s articles are predominate on the subject.
Wikipedia at is a fair site for other related subjects, such as the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) and North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC).
A telltale sign of things to come are the inclusion of translations in English, French and Spanish. NAFI stands for North American Forum on Integration / Forum sur L’Intergration Nord-Americaine / Ford Sobre La Integracion NorteAmerica. The logo is NAFiNA, which incorporates the language of all three countries.
The sight of the home page shows links to Conferences 2003 and 2004 and Triumvirates 2005 thru 2007. The next meeting, Tirumvirat 2008, is in the Montreal City Hall on May 25th to the 30th. A recent summit in Montebello, Quebec, August 20-21, more than 2,000 demonstrators were kept out by a 10-foot fence. A small group of protestors through rocks and bottles, prompting police to use tear gas to break up the group.
An American, Dean Lawven from New York State, made the comment that “I particularly oppose war criminal Bush seeking to annex Canada and Mexico, to put the armed forces and police services under U.S. command. It’s all very dangerous.”
Some believe the surge of illegal immigrants into the United States was less than an unwelcome opportunity for the advancement of the North American Union.
President Bush has decided to allow the continuation of a controversial pilot program allowing Mexican trucks greater access to U.S. highways despite a law past last year by Congress to prohibit just such an arrangement. Some view this as an underhanded means to proceed with the idea of a North American Union. The DOT took advantage of a loophole that prohibits the government from spending money to “establish” the project. A DOT spokesperson assures that no “new” funding will be appropriated for the program that began in September. Labor, independent truckers and environmental groups oppose the program that allows up to 500 trucks from 100 motor carriers to cross the border. Many feel illegal immigrants may be part of the cargo. As they come, American jobs will go.
Some view the housing slump, banking woes due to sub prime loans, the decline of the dollar and the huge national debt will be contributing factors aimed at convincing the American public to accept the idea of the three-nation combined economic union to redistribute power and wealth.
Others see this as unlikely, siting the Constitution prohibiting giving up our sovereignty.
Most Americans outside of Texas are unaware of the amero or the plans to integrate North America. Of the 2008 Presidential candidates, Ron Paul stands alone with concern for these developments that would erase the borders to the north and south of the United States.
Specific information on Ron Paul's position on this and other national and international concerns can be found at Ron Paul does not profess the existence of the amero, nor the idea that the North American Union is anything other than a broader version of NAFTA. Ron Paul does have concerns that these trade agreements are an intrusion on American jobs and the sovereignty of America.
Not to make light of the subject but, as I began to wonder why the currency would be called the “amero” since it omits a reference to Canada, I thought it more appropriate to adopt the name as the “americano”, strictly out of fairness.
On another note, in July 2000, there was a meeting in Togo, the Lome Summit, where a declaration was signed to include a 53-nation African Union, named the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) and formed in 1968. The OAU has a targeted date of 2028, or earlier, to implement an African currency named the “afro”. The West African Economic and Monetary Union have designated a common currency called the “eco”. Attempting to identify the difference in the two currency has left me at a dead end.
As there is the euro and the future afro and amero, Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) Senior Fellow and Director of International Economics Benn Steil has stated in agency’s Foreign Affairs publication, “countries should abandon monetary nationalism and abolish unwanted currencies, the source of today’s instabilities.”
As there is currently the euro and the coming future of the afro and the possibility of the amero, does Mr. Steil’s statement suggest the progression of globalization foresee a global currency? For convenience, perhaps it should be called "the glob”.
Does this also suggest there may some day be a world-governing agency? Perhaps it will be called “The Federation”.
As suggested by journalist Drake Bennett of the Boston Globe, “Global government and elites who secretly sell out their own citizenry have long been staples of conspiracy theories, thanks in part to the Book of Revelation’s warning that world government will be an early indicator of the Apocalypse.”
Another website of interest is, run by Urban Legends Reference Pages, addresses the validity of rumors. The site does not recognize the "amero" as anything other than a being a fanciful coin offered by Designs Computed at Snopes appears to be an opinion blog.
Conspiracy theory or not, we can thank the World Wide Web to keep us informed, although we are intentionally misinformed on some sites.
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