Saturday, March 8, 2008

"... there are many ways for him to serve the country."

“I know one thing about Governor Crist,” he said. “And that is that he is a great governor. He does a great job. I think that… there are many ways for him to serve the country.”

That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout!

[Check out Florida Menagerie ’08 under BLOG TIDES and click on “Giving Charlie a Secretarial Position”]

Senator John McCain made the quote when questioned whether Florida Governor Charlie Crist is being considered as a running mate for his Presidential bid on the November General Election ballot.

I particularly like the words there are many ways for him to serve the country.

I have a strong, sincere belief that Charlie Crist would an exceptional Secretary of State. Personality, charisma and a positive, rational demeanor put him a perfect choice to represent the interests of the United States through diplomatic environs.

I believe Crist’s talents would be wasted as Second Commander in Chief. He’s a people’s person, not a soldier’s officer in charge. With steadfast conviction, I would entrust Charlie to soften the international contention of the majority of countries toward the United States of George Bush.

The world community has for years been in anticipation of a new leader of American just as the overwhelming segment of its citizenry. Governments of other nations are well primed for Washington to reclaim its intended leadership capabilities. Regardless who wins the November Election, something just shy of a new world order is expected of the New Administration.

I understand the political logistics of enhancing the Republican ticket with Crist as the chosen running mate.

The recent camaraderie of Senator McCain and Governor Crist strongly suggests the direction the campaign is headed toward. I should hope there might be other choices to be considered but the face and name recognition of Charlie are all too evident at this point. I feel it would be a copout if Crist should leave his elected post to secure a second rate position in the Federal Government.

Governor Crist has held office as an elected official for less than two years. He has put too much faith in the Rubio-Pruitt Florida Legislature to address the issues he promised to resolve. There has been too much of nothing. Crist may be high on the electorate’s popularity list but it certainly appears he is lacking in delegating responsibilities and is much too willing to accept mediocrity from his underlings.

I dare say that a Republican Ticket bearing the names McCain-Crist is not the best for the country. McCain-Huckabee. McCain-Romney. McCain-Keyes. Or even McCain-Paul. Or McCain-Rice.

But for the grace of the land of the free and the home of the brave, sake that one Cabinet position for Charlie Crist – Secretary of State.

He not only deserves that consideration of the Republican candidate, but the same should be given by whichever Democrat wins the nomination. Charlie Crist can rise above the typical politics of Government and do his duty under any Administration.

As Barak Obama claims, America needs a change. He understands the importance of bi-partinship. Charlie offers that opportunity.

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